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Swift Message has a good life. He has a job he enjoys, a home, and a mare he is lucky enough to call his special somepony. When he becomes aware of the changeling threat to Canterlot, he tries to warn those in power without drawing attention to himself. While his warning is heeded, the defenses readied against the threat prove to be inadequate with the appearance of Chrysalis. This is the story of his struggles to protect the mare he loves during the invasion, and the trials he faced after his identity was revealed during the final moments of the attack.

Chapters (1)

The sun has burned down everything.

Far up north lies the "coldest" place in the world: deathly hot but livable.

A pony traveled here to survive. Now he waits to see the end.

Until an angel bearing the last gift in history visits him.

Thanks to KorenCZ11 for pre-reading.

Chapters (1)

The assignment Miss Cheerilee gave the class should have been simple. But it got Sweetie Belle thinking about her Hearth’s Warming present for Rarity.

It’s complicated. Maybe Twilight can help.

My 2019 Jinglemas exchange story, written for wishcometrue. Thanks to ROBCakeran53 for pre-reading.

Featured on Equestria Daily!

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Diamonds Amidst the Stars

With the defeat of the shadowkin horde, the Diamond City of Canterlot rejoices under the soft touch of winter. With celebrations abound, Astra Princess Twilight Sparkle plans to make the most of it with the deer who stole her heart.

But, just as winter brings celebrations, so does it bring winds as frosty as the realization that the young Princess still does not have a name to define her relationship with Rarity and, more than that, a relationship she might be afraid to fully define.

Assuming Rarity stops flirting with her long enough to let her define it.

Historian's Note: Diamonds Amidst the Snow is set about six weeks after the Battle of Harmony Gate, chronicled in Diamonds Amidst the Stars.

Cast: Astra Princess Twilight Sparkle & the Lady Rarity
Co-Starring: Starlight Glimmer & Trixie Lulamoon

Cover Text & Header Design by Novel Idea
Snowbound Virtrung Deerkin Rarity and Princess Twilight Sparkle by Jykinturah and lilfunkman.

Virtrung Deer based on and inspired by the original concepts by Sirzi.

Beta Reader & Editor Credits
Beltorn - Commenter-at-Large on FimFiction
Cursori: Reader of Many a Pony Word
Monochromatic: It's a RariTwi Story. Of course I asked for Mono's help!

Word Count: 13,000
Version: 3.2

Chapters (2)

  As a dark threat descends upon the Diamond Wall of Canterlot, an ancient treaty forces the deerkin to come to Equestria’s aid once more. To the Royal Five’s surprise, a single ambassador is sent instead of the army Equestria so desperately needs.
  And yet, this unique magic-wielding deerkin may hold the secret to Canterlot’s salvation… assuming she ever stops flirting with the young Astra Princess Twilight Sparkle.

"Unofficial" Entry in Monochromatic's "Interwoven Colours" RariTwi contest.
Featured on EquestriaDaily on July 4, 2017!

Historian's Note: Set deep within the infinite possibilities of the multiverse, this new world is completely unknown save for a very select few. Which is to say, that no knowledge of any other story is required to enjoy the whimsy of this tale.

Featured on FimFiction: May 28-31, 2017!

Cast: Astra Princess Twilight Sparkle & the Lady Rarity
Co-Starring: Aurorae Princess Sunset Shimmer, Starlight Glimmer, Trixie Lulamoon & Shining Armor with a cameo by Radiant Hope

Cover & Section Break Design by Novel Idea
Virtrung Deerkin Rarity and Princess Twilight Sparkle by Jykinturah.

Virtrung Deer based on and inspired by the original concepts by Sirzi.

Beta Reader & Editor Credits
Ebon Quill - Audio Director & Quest Designer on The Manehattan Project
Little Tinker - Master of Systems at Poniverse & Scripting Engineer on The Manehattan Project
Beltorn - Commenter-at-Large on FimFiction
Cursori: Reader of Many a Pony Word
Monochromatic: This is entirely her fault, just so you know

Word Count: 29,000
Version: 3.0

Chapters (4)

Proper Thestrals don't celebrate the Summer Sun Celebration. They never have; they never will, for thestrals never forget.

Deep in the heart of Mount Canter, the dirge of the Nightmother calls them, and they answer it every year. This year, however, is the year after Princess Luna returned. There is little reason to hold a funeral for the living, and yet they do so all the same.

They must always remember; they must never forget; Honor and tradition demands it.

Editors: Dreams of Ponies
Level Dasher

Submission for the Imposing Sovereigns II Contest
My prompt was Luna and The Old.

Chapters (1)

Starlight Glimmer has gone back in time. Each time Twilight tries to stop Starlight, she fails and is flung back through the portal and into a broken, twisted Equestria, ravaged by wars or monsters, each version worse than the one before, barreling toward the destruction of the world. Until she lands in a version of Equestria that ... isn't worse. It seems unchanged, happy, normal. The only real difference she can find on the cutie map is that her castle isn't there ...

... but the library still is.

Editing by Formerly Committed and JetstreamGW.

Chapters (2)

Darkness holds dominion over the world. Cinders of Sun and Moon gathered from a long-forgotten catastrophe are all that remain to shelter the village from the consuming void. But their power wanes. Lanterns of Sun and Moon held close against his chest, a stallion takes up the mantle of light bearer and forges into the abyss to return light to a world that has all but forgotten it.

Beyond the safety of the village gates, he will meet a voice of shadows and starlight, and many are the revelations it has of the world he thought he knew so well.

7/10/19 update: This story has been completely remastered to meet my 2019 writing standards! Enjoy!
Love this story? It's available in hardback and paperback!

[Cover art by Ventious]

Chapters (16)

Once upon a time, Silver Spoon's life made sense. She had the right friends, the right house, and the right school for a young lady coming up in the world. Once upon a time, Silver Spoon lived amongst proud towers in a vibrant, bustling city that never slept.

Now she lives in Ponyville. Not so terrible once one gets used to it. Silver's learned to appreciate some ponies, harbor grudges for others, and tolerate the rest. But sometimes, she wonders if one pony in particular is as popular as she thought.

Preread and edited by Autumn Wind, Cthuluigi, and SaddlesoapOpera

Chinese translation by hehelover

Chapters (30)